Have you ever wondered who is behind the "Due Gatti" (Two Cats)?
Let me (their webmaster) introduce you them!

Giuli and Toni on the old life ...
I know Giuli since… I was born. She’s a warrior and she never turned her back to life, neither when life has sorely tested her.
With hard-nosed and a raised fist, she has been going on.
From the nice Ivrea, she moved to the Milan area. With her, for a few years, there is Toni. They met several years ago under
water. He's from Puglia but he moved to Venice, and then he also moved to the Milan area.
He's an Interior design, she's an employee in Marketing area.
She's a Marathoner, he's a devoted chaperone, and skipper
They both love the sea; they love to visit the seabed but even sail on the surface. And Milan it's not the right place for those who love
the sea and the wildlife.
Despite the many friends they have, they feel their life could be better.
Their dream is to open and manage a B&B somewhere. They just have to figure out WHERE and HOW!!!
A friend suggested them to go to Pantelleria and... it's been love at first sight! And now their dream, step by step, is realizing.
They keep a Dammuso in Pantelleria to remodel and manage it. And the holiday house DUE GATTI comes to life in Pantelleria.
Why this name DUE GATTI (TWO CATS)? From a book, TWO BEARS MAMBO, with some modification to adapt the name to them and
to their love for cats.

And it’s for this love for cats that since 2005 in their life, there is Matita A beautiful cat, VERY PATIENT, but not very sociable.
But they have NO intention to forsake their friends, they just added a new friends in addition to that of Milan.

Here they are on their new life!

Some years later, unfortunately Matite died, and a new beautiful cat arrive. This is why, new guests will see Brugola and Nica,
two lovely cats... very curious!
Much more things happened on their new life, as a new Dammuso named Penelope, the biggest and very beautiful holiday house.