Dammusi 2 Gatti

How to contact us

Dammusi Due Gatti

via del Maestro d'Ascia, 5

Telephone: (+39) 0923 918065
Mobile: (+39) 393 3362928
E-mail: info2gatti@gmail.com

We are also on Social Networks:

Dammusi Due Gatti on Facebook Facebook
Due Gatti su Google+ Google Plus
here we are: the 2 cats!

Do you want to ask us if we have rooms available?
Do you need a quote?
Do you want to leave us a message?

Send us an e-mail with your data
we'll guarantee the privacy of your data
We will respond within a few hours. We recommend you to check your SPAM folder

Or call us, or moreover you can contact us using Facebook or Whatsapp

(all information here aboard)